Tractor Tire Chains Comparisons and Recommendations

This chart compares all the types of Tractor Snow Tire Chains with different applications.
Choose your use and then select the correct snow tire chain.  Always choose the right
type of tractor chains for right application.  For example, off road or plowing use, requires the
heaviest duty chain available.   If you experience glare ice, choose a V Bar or Studded Chain.

Tire Chains Ratings

Tire Chains Type

Tractor Chains Traction Tractor Tire Chains Lateral Stability Tire Chains Ride Quality Tire Chains Durability Tractor Chains Pavement Tire Chains Steep Terrain Tractor Tire Chains Steering Tire Chains Ice Traction Tire Chains Skid Steer Tire Chains on Turf Tread Tractor Chains Deep NHS or AG Tread Tire Chains Industrial Tread Pettibone Tire Chains
4 Link Spacing
2 Link Spacing
4 Link Spacing V-Bar
2 Link Spacing V-Bar
Duo Grip
Duo Grip V-Bar
Duo Ladder
Duo Ladder V-Bar
Double Ring
Studded High Strength Alloy
Reinforced Net

*Clearance - check your owner's manual for your specific vehicle tire chains clearance requirements.
**The above recommendations are general tractor chains use guidelines.
Our Tractor, Grader and Loader Snow Chains have a maximum vehicle weight of 10 tons and are not to be used for lifting, skidding or towing purposes.